Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 1. juni 2022

Onsdag 1. juni kommer det nyheter i Vinmonopolet tilleggsutvalg. 153 nye øl/mjød blir tilgjengelig for Vinmonopolene. Prisene denne runden strekker seg fra kr 41,90 til kr 660, så her bør det finnes noe for ethvert budsjett.

Som alltid er det mest humledrevet: hele 67 av 153 er IPA, pluss fire Pale Ales. Ser vi på områder så er det England som igjen befinner seg på topp, da hele 53 av produktene er derfra.

Hva er tilleggsutvalget?

Ølnyhetene i tilleggsutvalget kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken på lanseringsdagen. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Vent noen dager. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager. Butikkene kan begynne å bestille disse på lanseringsdagen.

Her finner du oversikten over det som lanseres denne måneden:

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
Ukraina144369022085 Brewery2085 Brewery Fake Brett IPAIndia pale ale50.33973.97
Ukraina144370022085 Brewery2085 Brewery Hoppy Mexican LagerLys lager5.30.3384.33.73
Ukraina144368022085 Brewery2085 Brewery Irish Style Dry StoutPorter & stout50.3391.33.83
Ukraina144374022085 Brewery2085 Brewery Japanese IPLLys lager50.3389.43.67
Ukraina144367022085 Brewery2085 Brewery Kveik Vanilla Lemon TartSurøl6.90.3393.23.85
Belgia14445301Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Druif Dornfelder Blend No. 27 20|21Surøl7.70.753754.19
Belgia14441201Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris No. 16 20|21Surøl9.10.753854.1
Belgia14441101Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek Dornfelder No. 26 20|21Surøl8.30.753504.25
Belgia14440905Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel No. 40 19|20Surøl6.71.56604.16
Belgia14445401Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Platinum Blend No. 40 20|21Surøl6.40.753754.32
England14436502Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Delphi DDH IPAIndia pale ale60.4494.93.8
England14436602Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Harpy 60 Minute IPAIndia pale ale60.4494.93.63
England14436402Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Rug Pull Oat Cream IPAIndia pale ale70.44109.93.45
Norge14338302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Choczilla Coffee Marshmallow Lava Cake StoutPorter & stout70.4467.93.76
Norge14338202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Some of Many Things Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4469.93.81
Latvia14447002Arpus Brewing Co.Ārpus Brewing Co DDH Nelson x Motueka Double New England IPAIndia pale ale80.4499.94.04
Latvia14450602Arpus Brewing Co.Ārpus Brewing Maple x Vanilla Imperial Milk StoutPorter & stout120.441154.19
Latvia14447102Arpus Brewing Co.Ārpus Brewing Orange x Vanilla Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.441154
Danmark14340601Mikkeller BaghavenBaghaven Kaleidoscope of Ambrosia B1Surøl60.75237.24.05
Italia14438202Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo Duchessa sour AlbicoccheSurøl6.30.3379.93.28
Italia14438302Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo Sedicigradi AnforaBarley wine10.60.33149.90 n/a
Italia14438402Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo Sedicigradi CaffèBarley wine11.70.33149.90 n/a
Frankrike14417601Brasserie Du Mont SalèveBrasserie du Mont SaleveSurøl7.50.75189.94.03
Frankrike14417702Brasserie Du Mont SalèveBrasserie du Mont Saleve Arenes et limonsSurøl60.3399.94.15
Frankrike14417901Brasserie Du Mont SalèveBrasserie du Mont Saleve Dodo Tzarine Cognac BA Imperial stoutPorter & stout90.75199.94.02
England13300502Brew YorkBrew York The Magolorian Mango & Lime Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale6.20.44121.53.74
England14450802Brew YorkBrew York x Full Circle Tea Strawberries & Cream Fruit Tea IPAIndia pale ale60.44105.13.93
England14451002Brew YorkBrew York x Gwei Lo Toast Pandan, Coconut and Coffee Kaya ToastPorter & stout100.44120.94.1
England14450902Brew YorkBrew York x Siren Craft Coffee Maple Mocha Iced Latte StoutPorter & stout100.44120.94.01
England14450702Brew YorkBrew York x Vault City Juice Guava, Papaya & Mango Breakfast Smoothie SoutSurøl80.44124.14.01
Skottland14435402BrewDogBrewDog 90 Day Bock Amplified German LagerMørk lager80.3351.93.67
Skottland14435502BrewDogBrewDog Punk Gluten Free IPAIndia pale ale5.40.3341.93.62
Tyskland14433202Brewheart GmbHBrewheart Conversations With Blueberry More Ultra Fruited SourSurøl5.50.4499.13.88
Tyskland14334302Brewheart GmbHBrewheart The Beauty and the Yeast TIPAIndia pale ale9.90.44108.74.11
Tyskland14433302Brewheart GmbHBrewheart x Krecher The Thing DIPAIndia pale ale80.44100.14.18
USA14435002Burley Oak BrewingBurley Oak 100 All Citra TDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473149.94.25
England12348402Buxton BreweryBuxton King Slayer DIPAIndia pale ale80.44993.92
England14440802Buxton BreweryBuxton Midtown New York LagerLys lager5.20.44753.65
England14441002Buxton BreweryBuxton Sawtooth West Coast IPAIndia pale ale70.44883.87
England14440602Buxton BreweryBuxton Whetstone India Pale AleIndia pale ale7.20.4489.93.71
Norge14343802BådinBådin Surreal V3 DDH Sour IPAIndia pale ale6.50.33750 n/a
Norge14343702BådinBådin Tønder Bay Citra & Talus NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.3376.13.86
England14443802Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater Orange & Passionfruit BreezeSurøl70.44103.13.75
England14443702Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater x Verdant The Mashup DIPAIndia pale ale80.441164.27
Canada14423102Collective Arts BrewingCollective Arts Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial PorterPorter & stout11.50.35599.94.15
England14330401Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Barbarian Lands Golden Ale with RhubarbSpesial60.75299.93.73
England14423701Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Binds Dry-Hopped Golden AleSpesial5.60.75299.93.55
England14328301Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Bramble, Thorn and BriarSpesial5.50.75299.93.98
USA14435202Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Chonk Sundae Sour Strawberry, Cacao Nibs & CoconutSurøl7.20.473144.94.11
USA14435802Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Hyper Scream Nordic DIPAIndia pale ale8.40.473144.94.03
Norge14467502ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Crippling Debt New England IPAIndia pale ale70.3369.90 n/a
Norge14467402ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Fruity Seduction Triple Fruited SourSurøl70.3375.10 n/a
Norge14467602ELØ - En Liten ØlElø High Tide Double IPAIndia pale ale80.3365.50 n/a
England14335902Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn A Wave Of Light West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.70.44120.23.76
England14334802Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn Awakening Double IPAIndia pale ale80.441364.17
England14334702Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn Double Tide Modern LagerLys lager50.4499.93.61
England14335002Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn I Loved It, I Hated, I Destroyed, I Created DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44137.34.2
England14335801Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn Vinous Nature Barley Wine with RyeBarley wine100.75299.94.13
England14336001Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn Vinous Nature Rauch Wine with MapleBarley wine100.75299.94.24
England14334902Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn Where is your heart Raspberry, Pistachio, Cacao Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.50.44149.64.16
England14335702Fallen Acorn BrewingFallen Acorn x Driftwood Spars Valkyrie English Hopped IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44129.94
England14437202Floc BrewingFloc Hard SunIndia pale ale6.80.44123.44.02
England14437302Floc BrewingFloc Pleasure Theory IIIIndia pale ale60.44117.93.91
England14437102Floc BrewingFloc WhisperPale ale5.20.44115.43.84
Spania14444202Freddo FoxFreddo Fox Beat The Heat Tropical Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale70.3367.43.97
Spania14444102Freddo FoxFreddo Fox Use Your Imagination West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.60.33643.86
Polen14444002Funky FluidFunky Fluid Smasher Quad IPAIndia pale ale110.5107.93.91
Polen14443902Funky FluidFunky Fluid Triple Gelato Ice Cream Sour NeroSurøl80.597.74.18
England14433002Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Mesa MaibockLys lager60.4479.93.58
Belgia14417502Brouwerij Van SteenbergeGulden Draak SmokedKlosterstil10.50.3379.93.52
USA14434802Hop Butcher For The WorldHop Butcher For The World A Plume of Many Hues IPAIndia pale ale70.473139.94.08
USA14435102Hop Butcher For The WorldHop Butcher For The World Taffy Pull Saltwater IPAIndia pale ale70.473139.93.94
USA14337702Jackie O'sJackie O's Bourbon Barrel Dark Apparition Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.80.375279.94.32
USA14337802Jackie O'sJackie O's Bourbon Barrel Oro Negro Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.70.375279.94.43
USA14337602Jackie O'sJackie O's Fire On The Coals Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial PorterPorter & stout140.375279.94.4
USA14337902Jackie O'sJackie O's Vanilla Coffee Bourbon Barrel Dark Apparition Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.30.375279.94.29
USA14337502Jackie O'sJackie O's x Our Mutual Friend Brewing Big Snail Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.40.375299.94.16
Norge14419302Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Miss bitterSpesial5.50.3355.23.52
Norge14440202Krecher ASKrecher GrimgueraIndia pale ale5.50.3356.43.74
Norge14440302Krecher ASKrecher JormungrinderIndia pale ale80.3379.93.9
Norge14440102Krecher ASKrecher SkitterbugPale ale5.40.3349.83.64
Tyskland3827502Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu PilsnerLys lager4.90.559.93.48
Norge14436302Marlobobos AsMarlobobo BumfuzzleMjød110.375329.90 n/a
Norge14436202Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Stevnsberry Van OakMjød110.375359.90 n/a
Belgia14340702MikkellerMikkeller H.C Andersen Sunshine BA Wild Ale with RosesSurøl10.50.3389.93.34
Belgia14340802MikkellerMikkeller Kærlek Pale AlePale ale4.90.3362.33.65
Norge14445901MjøderietMjøderiet SvartorseterMjød110.75299.40 n/a
Nederland14444702De MoersleutelMoersleutel Smeerolie MexicakePorter & stout110.44109.93.94
Norge14445202Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Hop Comet NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.4479.90 n/a
England14433902Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Faith In The Tropics Tropical Hazy Pale AleIndia pale ale5.40.4474.93.63
England14433102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 29.02 Rob.C.Art//Roseus//Funky Fluid Fruited IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4494.94
England14433802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 31.05 Smug//The Ascension//Verdant//Beak DIPAIndia pale ale80.44104.94.19
England14434202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Fidens x Whiplash x Zichovec Hop City DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.40.4498.93.79
England13096202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x INSA Faith in The Futures DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4469.63.89
England14434002Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Rivington Order of The North DDH IPAIndia pale ale70.4479.93.93
Sverige14445602O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing 200 Rye on RyeBarley wine12.80.331394.14
Sverige14445702O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Balamundi Pale AlePale ale50.33653.62
Sverige11791902O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Carismatico Dobbel IPAIndia pale ale8.50.4499.94.04
Sverige14445802O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Gryning Coffee Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout50.33653.61
Sverige14445501O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Spring SaisonSaison farmhouse ale5.80.751493.57
Sverige14341502OmnipolloOmnipollo Equilibrium All Wise Peanut Banana Oreo Mud Pie StoutPorter & stout12.50.33194.33.97
Sverige14341702OmnipolloOmnipollo x Angry Chair Lunar Lycan Imperial Marzipan Coffee Cream StoutPorter & stout11.50.33178.14.24
Skottland14434602Overtone BrewingOvertone Atomic IPAIndia pale ale60.4499.94.01
Skottland14436102Overtone BrewingOvertone Krafty J's DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4494.93.78
Skottland14434702Overtone BrewingOvertone Pretty Weisse Fruited Berliner WeisseSurøl70.44109.94.05
Skottland14436002Overtone BrewingOvertone x Cloudwater Revolutions Per Hours DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.30.4499.94.16
Estland14440402Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Sun City Florida WeisseSurøl50.4479.93.66
Estland14440502Põhjala BrewingPõhjala x Mikkeller Sea Fog Imperial GoseSurøl80.3369.93.63
Estland14440702Põhjala BrewingPõhjala x Sofia Electric Brewing Baba Tonka Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.3389.94.12
Wales14433402Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Red Odyssey Triple Cherry GoseSurøl110.44104.44.07
Wales14433502Polly's Brew Co.Polly's The Lakehouse IPAIndia pale ale6.10.4486.64.02
England14417302Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Ibuki VII Sorachi Ace and Yuzu IPAIndia pale ale70.4499.93.85
England14417201Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Liege & Lief BarleywineBarley wine13.50.753354.02
England14438102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Tippy Tippy (Pause) Tippy Tippy (Pause) IPAIndia pale ale6.20.4499.93.96
England14438002Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Funky Fluid My pink half of the drainpipe Tropical sourSurøl6.50.4499.93.97
England14417402Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Northern Monk Quitting just ain't my shtickIndia pale ale8.50.44119.94.06
England11938002Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Siren Monkberry Moon Raspberry & Sabro sourSurøl6.50.4499.94.02
England14424002Rivington Brewing CoRivington Soon Come Habanro Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.50.5139.93.87
England14423902Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Floc. Somewhere, Beyond The Sea DDH IPAIndia pale ale60.5123.24.1
Norge14438602Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Hyper CubeIndia pale ale120.44139.90 n/a
Norge14438502Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Radix Ultra Fruited SourSurøl80.44139.90 n/a
Norge14438702Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt x Little Rain Mind EraserIndia pale ale80.44109.90 n/a
Hellas14438902Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Choco Cherry Bon BonsPorter & stout10.40.44129.93.95
Hellas14228702Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Deisidaimonia Bourbon barrelPorter & stout12.10.33124.94.21
Hellas14228602Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Deisidaimonia Rum barrel agedPorter & stout12.10.33124.94.28
Skottland14417802Six°northSix degrees North If it's not Ex'Strava'Gant it didn't happen Gooseberry saisonSaison farmhouse ale60.4484.93.76
Skottland14417102Six°northSix degrees North Kriek Cherry beerSpesial60.4484.93.42
Norge12113902Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Solbris NEIPAIndia pale ale70.3375.73.76
Norge14443402Sleeping Village BrewingSleeping Village Mirror Pyramid Spelt IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4482.53.77
USA14435902Stone Brewing CompanyStone x Deschutes Let's Bee Homies Hazy IPAIndia pale ale7.50.47399.93.79
Tyskland14443502Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death It's Friday my dudes DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.4496.44.1
Tyskland14443602Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Not your grandma's rote grütze fruited sourSurøl50.4482.33.91
England14439102The Kernel BreweryThe Kernel Biére De Saison DamsonSaison farmhouse ale4.90.33823.85
Sverige14434102This Is HowThis Is How To Be Twice as Nice Double IPAIndia pale ale8.50.3363.93.7
England13532901Three Hills BrewingThree Hill x Outpost Big Noise WitbierHveteøl7.50.75162.93.94
England14440002Three Hills BrewingThree Hills B.A-B.P.A.V.K. Tawny PorterPorter & stout110.33142.14.26
England14439802Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Co ordinates Strong MildBrown ale6.50.44113.93.81
England14439402Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Creation of A Peaceful State DIPAIndia pale ale80.44142.73.93
England14439602Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Veda Ekuanot BBC NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.44123.73.73
USA14434902Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Scorpius Morchella DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473144.94.15
Norge13135502Trysil bryggeri ASTrysil Bryggeri Sammar pilsLys lager5.50.3347.53.35
Ukraina14439902Birkraft - VarvarVarvar Black Bean Tonka Imperial StoutPorter & stout110.33121.54.24
Ukraina14451202Birkraft - VarvarVarvar Ipanema American IPAIndia pale ale5.30.3395.83.79
Ukraina14439302Birkraft - VarvarVarvar Solidøl BABarley wine10.40.375145.24.19
Ukraina14439702Birkraft - VarvarVarvar Solidøl English Barley WineBarley wine10.40.33119.24.06
Ukraina14439502Birkraft - VarvarVarvar x Heist x Hoppy Hog Sweet Child o'Wine Grape AleSpesial7.90.3393.43.8
England14435602Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant É Soul Cultura IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.94.11
England12920502Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Random Rules IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.94.11
England14435702Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant x Floc. Literally Wondering DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44124.94.26
England12911902Wylam BreweryWylam Jakehead Supercharged IPAIndia pale ale6.30.4489.93.88
Norge14444402Skudenes BryggeriØlbæks Sommer IPAIndia pale ale5.80.3358.90 n/a
Norge14444302Skudenes BryggeriØlbæks Sommer PilsLys lager50.3355.90 n/a
Danmark14444802Åben BreweryÅben Subsun New England DIPAIndia pale ale8.80.4499.93.9

7 Kommentarer on “Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 1. juni 2022

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