Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 11. januar 2023

Årets første slipp inneholder hele 352 nyheter! Fordelt på åtte produkter i basis, fire parti, 212 bestillingsutvalg og 128 i tilleggsutvalget.

En god del av det som lanseres i bestillingsutvalget har tidligere vært å finne i tilleggsutvalget og trenger derfor ikke nødvendigvis ses på som en reell nyhet.

Basis-, test- & partiutvalget

Åtte produkter blir tilgjengelig i Vinmonopolets basisutvalg og vil finnes i hyllene i minst ett år. I tillegg blir fire produkter tilgjengelig i partiutvalget og er tilgjengelig frem til partiet er tomt.


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Østerrike14870102Brauerei Grieskirchen GmbHGrieskirckner Wiener Lager Mørk lager 5.3 0.500 48.40
Skottland15179702BrewDogBrewDog Lost AF Alcohol Free Lager Alkoholfritt øl - 0.330 21.90
Skottland14610102Edinburgh Beer FactoryEdinburgh Beer Factory Porter Porter & stout 5.0 0.330 42.10
Norge15079702Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Guten Bock Mørk lager 6.5 0.330 44.90
Estland15009802Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Öö Imperial Baltic Porter Porter & stout 10.5 0.330 65.60
England15085302Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Velvet Overground Oatmeal Stout Porter & stout 7.0 0.440 72.40
Norge15119602Ægir BryggeriÆgir Fjellbokk Bokkøl Mørk lager 7.0 0.440 68.40
Norge15089002Ægir BryggeriÆgir Minus Alkoholfri øl Alkoholfritt øl - 0.330 24.70


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
USA10718302Brooklyn BreweryBrooklyn Special Effects Alkoholfritt øl - 0.330 19.00
Latvia15041102MaldugunsNaktenis Baltic Porter Porter & stout 8.6 0.330 80.40
Sverige15074002This Is HowThis Is How To Keep It Classic Vienna Lager Lys lager 5.3 0.330 41.80
Norge15063002TrollbryggerietTrollbryggeriet Sogen Oatmeal Stout Porter & stout 6.7 0.500 74.60


Det bredeste utvalget, der mest øl er tilgjengelig er bestillingsutvalget. Hele 212 øl blir nå tilgjengelig på Vinmonopolets nettside. Butikkene kan også velge å ta inn fra dette utvalget som en del av deres «lokale sortiment» tilpasset lokal etterspørsel.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Norge147705017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Patience Bourbon BA Imp StoutPorter & stout 14.0 0.750 297.80
Norge147706017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Soul Serenade Flanders Style Red AleSpesial 5.9 0.750 248.90
Norge147704017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Unchained Quadrupel Rum BAKlosterstil 10.0 0.750 288.90
Skottland1510170271 Brewing71 Brewing Flight Path IPAIndia pale ale 6.1 0.440 66.90
USA14816502Adroit Theory BrewingAdroit Theory Future You Hates You Dark Chocolate Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout 13.5 0.473 179.80
Norge15152702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Field of Dreams Hazy IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.440 93.80
England14611602Arundel BreweryArundel x Untiy End of Invention Apricot and Pear Sour IPAIndia pale ale 5.0 0.440 81.30
Belgia14914201Bieres de ChimayChimay Grande Reserve Barrel Limited EditionKlosterstil 9.0 0.750 179.90
Belgia15104602Bieres de ChimayChimay Grande Réserve Fermentée en BarriquesKlosterstil 10.5 0.375 169.90
Belgia14922801Bieres de ChimayChimay Trappist Grande Reserve Barrel Fermented 2022Klosterstil 10.5 0.750 289.90
Italia14919302Birrificio LambrateLambrate Sour fruit Raspberry sourSurøl 5.7 0.330 79.80
Tyskland4370602BitburgerBitburger Premium PilsLys lager 4.8 0.330 38.90
USA13314902Black Project Spontaneous & Wild AlBlack Project Chemtrail SourSurøl 5.4 0.473 134.70
USA13314802Black Project Spontaneous & Wild AlBlack Project Rivet Quick SourSurøl 5.8 0.473 129.70
England14849102Boxcar BrewBoxcar Winter Solstice Robust PorterPorter & stout 7.0 0.440 117.90
England14881802Boxcar BrewBoxcar Xmas MildBrown ale 6.3 0.440 116.00
Belgia15101601Brasserie St. FeuillienSt. Feuillien Quadrupel OakedKlosterstil 11.0 0.750 179.90
England14806002Brew YorkBrew York Emperor's Tonkoko Plum, Coconut, Tonka, Cacao, Vanilla and TonkaPorter & stout 15.0 0.440 154.70
England14801502Brew YorkBrew York Escape From LA Kirsch Russell Cherry Maple Pie Pastry SourSurøl 6.5 0.440 112.70
England14767002Brew YorkBrew York Imperial Eagle West Coast Double IPAIndia pale ale 9.0 0.440 123.90
England14846602Brew YorkBrew York Nightmare of Brew York 2022 Imperial Gingerbread Milk StoutPorter & stout 9.8 0.440 134.10
England14767302Brew YorkBrew York The Floor is Guava Sabro, Coconut & Guava PalePale ale 5.5 0.440 99.80
England14938002Brew YorkBrew York x Overtone Winona Ryeder Imperial Rye StoutPorter & stout 8.0 0.440 108.80
Skottland14960002BrewDogBrewDog 5AM Saint American Red AleRed/amber 5.0 0.330 51.90
Skottland14960102BrewDogBrewDog Butterfly Effect West Coast IPAIndia pale ale 10.0 0.330 61.90
Skottland14959902BrewDogBrewDog Double Punk Amplified Double IPAIndia pale ale 8.2 0.440 77.90
Skottland14959802BrewDogBrewDog Layer Cake Marshmallow & Chocolate StoutPorter & stout 7.0 0.440 71.90
Skottland15046902BrewDogBrewDog Sand Man Hazy Belgian IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.330 56.80
Skottland14960202BrewDogBrewDog Silk Road Lychee & Mango Hazy IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.440 69.90
Skottland15047002BrewDogBrewDog Tiramisu Tyranny Chocolate & Coffee StoutPorter & stout 10.0 0.330 67.90
Skottland15151702BrewDogBrewDog Zip Code West Coast IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.330 61.80
Belgia15003607Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist DubbelKlosterstil 7.0 3.000 989.90
Belgia2022001Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist DubbelKlosterstil 7.0 0.750 114.90
Belgia15003107Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist TripelKlosterstil 9.5 3.000 1,029.90
Belgia2021701Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist TripelKlosterstil 9.5 0.750 149.90
Belgia15072002Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Cuvée Armand & Gaston Vintage 2019Surøl 7.0 0.375 199.90
Belgia15068402Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze VintageSurøl 6.8 0.375 189.90
Belgia2199601Brouwerij de Glazen TorenGlazen Toren Jan de Lichte Dubbel WitbierHveteøl 7.0 0.750 139.60
Nederland15104702Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Koffie & Gebrand PorterPorter & stout 9.0 0.330 69.70
Belgia11684102Brouwerij VerhaegheDuchesse Chocolate CherrySurøl 6.8 0.330 62.80
England13120802Burning SkyBurning Sky Luppoleto pilsLys lager 5.2 0.440 99.80
England15071202Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Glow State NE Pale AlePale ale 5.0 0.440 99.80
England15149701Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Meadow Barrel Aged SaisonSaison farmhouse ale 5.8 0.750 279.90
England15071902Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Separating Circles NE Pale AlePale ale 5.0 0.440 99.80
England15071802Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Whispering Falls Pale AlePale ale 5.5 0.440 99.70
England15149901Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill x Cascade Lost Field BA Cherry SourSurøl 6.2 0.750 299.80
England15149601Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill x The Bruery Twin Oaks Mixed Fermentation SourSurøl 7.2 0.750 289.80
England14826302Buxton BreweryBuxton Stellarator DDH New England IPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.440 79.80
Norge15150702Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Angry Chick DDH Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale 7.5 0.330 88.90
Norge15150602Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam EyeGuy Imperial Tuttifrutti SourSurøl 8.0 0.330 88.60
Norge15150402Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam I Need IPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.330 75.10
Norge15150302Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam I Need SourSurøl 6.0 0.330 82.70
England15070601Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Damascene Golden Ale with British Damsons PlumsSurøl 6.5 0.750 265.00
England14934801Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Irongate 2022 Golden Ale BullacesSurøl 6.6 0.750 243.80
England14934501Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mackerel skies 2022 Golden AleSurøl 5.6 0.750 230.10
England14934401Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mount Ida 2022 Golden AleSurøl 6.4 0.750 264.80
England14934901Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Obsidian 2022 Golden Ale BlackcurrantsSurøl 6.3 0.750 264.10
England14934701Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Shivers 2022 Golden Ale Gages and PlumsSurøl 7.1 0.750 267.90
England14934601Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Summer Song 2022 Golden Ale Raspbrries, sour Cherries and VanillaSurøl 6.8 0.750 281.30
Nederland15069502De MoersleutelMoersleutel Alexandre chocolate stout rye au chocolat maître patissierestoutPorter & stout 8.0 0.440 99.70
Nederland14233802De MoersleutelMoersleutel CanelesSpesial 17.0 0.440 159.60
Nederland15069802De MoersleutelMoersleutel Disco DazzleIndia pale ale 8.5 0.440 99.70
Nederland14919202De MoersleutelMoersleutel Motoroil Double Chocolate Vietnamese & Tanzanian StoutPorter & stout 12.0 0.440 119.70
USA14817102Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Braaaaaaaains Blueberry Orange Guava Double Fruit Smoothie SourSurøl 6.7 0.473 159.80
USA14816202Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Slang Du Jour Lemon Bar Pastry SourSurøl 6.7 0.473 124.20
Norge15150502Drum Brew ASDrum Brew Imperial Gulrot Gose 2. editionSurøl 6.2 0.330 89.90
Tsjekkia15150802Drum Brew ASDrum Brew The Gathering StoutPorter & stout 7.5 0.330 78.90
Sverige15071702DuggesDugges Nebula IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.500 119.70
Sverige15071302DuggesDugges x Other Half Ginger SourSurøl 8.0 0.330 79.80
New Zealand14057402Duncan's BrewingDuncan's Maple Scorched Almond Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout 10.0 0.440 109.80
New Zealand14057502Duncan's BrewingDuncan's Toasty Marshmallow Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout 10.8 0.440 129.80
USA14079102Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Vulgar Display of Flower DIPAIndia pale ale 8.5 0.473 134.80
USA13158602Evil Twin BrewingEvil Twin NYC Fructus Danica 18 Fruited SourSurøl 6.5 0.473 149.90
England14611102Floc BrewingFloc Easy Way Out DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 135.70
England14437102Floc BrewingFloc WhisperPale ale 5.2 0.440 90.60
Tyskland15148202Fuerst Wiacek GMBHFuerst Wiacek Acid House Passionfruit Mango & Vanilla Fruited SourSurøl 6.0 0.440 114.20
Tyskland15148402Fuerst Wiacek GMBHFuerst Wiacek Reggae Strobe Party DDH IPAIndia pale ale 6.8 0.440 114.20
Tyskland15148602Fuerst Wiacek GMBHFuerst Wiacek Wheelie West Coast Pale AleIndia pale ale 5.2 0.440 104.30
Tyskland15148502Fuerst Wiacek GMBHFuerst Wiacek x Cloudwater Berliner DunkelMørk lager 5.0 0.440 94.30
Tyskland15148302Fuerst Wiacek GMBHFuerst Wiacek x Muted Horn Chances for Permanence StoutPorter & stout 5.8 0.440 104.20
USA15126501Great Divide Brewing Co.Great Divide Macaroon YetiPorter & stout 9.5 0.568 127.00
USA15126401Great Divide Brewing Co.Great Divide Peanut Butter YetiPorter & stout 9.5 0.568 127.00
USA15126301Great Divide Brewing Co.Great Divide S'Mores YetiPorter & stout 9.5 0.568 127.00
USA14816902Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Kielbasa King DIPAIndia pale ale 7.5 0.473 159.80
USA14914302Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Triple Grid TIPAIndia pale ale 10.5 0.473 174.90
USA14924502Hop ButcherHop Butcher Interocean DIPAIndia pale ale 7.5 0.473 159.90
Ungarn15071502Horizont BrewingHorizont Hazy Queen NEIPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.330 69.80
Ungarn15149802Horizont BrewingHorizont Night Shift Double Baltic PorterPorter & stout 14.0 0.330 139.60
Ungarn15071402Horizont BrewingHorizont Selfish Games Pistachio BarleywineBarley wine 11.0 0.330 99.70
Ungarn15071602Horizont BrewingHorizont x White Stork Selfish Games Take Me Somewhere Evil West Coast IPAIndia pale ale 6.8 0.330 74.80
Norge15092302Humbrygg ASHumbrygg StoutusPorter & stout 11.0 0.330 109.70
Norge15124102HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet 1349 Black AleSpesial 13.5 0.330 102.90
Norge15110802HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Bow to No OneBarley wine 12.0 0.440 111.60
Norge15099302HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Dark InceptionPorter & stout 16.0 0.330 197.40
Norge15124002HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Havnegata HvitHveteøl 5.0 0.440 61.80
USA14337702Jackie O'sJackie O's Dark Apparition Bourbon Barrel StoutPorter & stout 13.8 0.375 289.90
USA14925502Jackie O'sJackie O's Oil of Aphrodite Bourbon Barrel Imperial StoutPorter & stout 13.5 0.375 279.90
Norge15157101Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn Grindaguten SaisonSaison farmhouse ale 6.5 0.750 89.00
Norge15157001Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn Nansen Eksport StautPorter & stout 8.0 0.750 119.00
Norge14697602Krecher ASKrecher From The Black Pond Imperial StoutPorter & stout 11.0 0.330 89.20
Norge14697702Krecher ASKrecher Grizzlefang Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout 11.0 0.330 89.20
Norge14910502Krecher ASKrecher StalagfriteSurøl 7.0 0.330 67.90
Norge14910402Krecher ASKrecher ToxinmorphLys lager 5.0 0.330 41.70
Nederland15063102Kaapse BrouwersKaapse Jennie Juicy IPAPale ale 5.5 0.330 69.80
Nederland14973202Kaapse BrouwersKaapse KennieIndia pale ale 6.0 0.330 69.80
Nederland15070002Kaapse BrouwersKaapse x Rock City Kei No Coast IPAIndia pale ale 6.9 0.330 79.80
England15045201Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project 1773 Heritage Brown Porter MKII Pre Industrial PorterSurøl 5.5 0.750 252.80
England15045302Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Elderflower & Gooseberry Sour 2021Surøl 4.8 0.375 166.90
England15044901Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Organic East IPASurøl 7.0 0.750 266.80
England15045102Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Rhubarb & Raspberry SourSurøl 5.3 0.375 154.80
England15045002Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Steady Hands, Easy FriendsSurøl 5.0 0.375 157.20
Norge15152602MarloboboMarlobobo Bourbon BA Stevnsberry CryoMjød 10.0 0.375 649.80
Norge15067402MarloboboMarlobobo Giant Gas Exo TartMjød 10.0 0.375 354.90
Norge14961102MarloboboMarlobobo Stevnsberry NouveauMjød 10.0 0.375 304.90
England14931702Merakai Brewing coMerakai Peaching to The Converted Fruited GoseSurøl 6.5 0.440 121.90
England14931902Merakai Brewing coMerakai Serious Gourmet StoutPorter & stout 5.8 0.440 107.80
England14849402Merakai Brewing coMerakai When The Snow FallsPorter & stout 5.8 0.440 114.00
England14923002Merakai Brewing coMerakai x Eko One Day Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout 12.5 0.330 142.70
England14931802Merakai Brewing coMerakai x Tartarus There's Always Room For Pie Pastry AleHveteøl 5.6 0.440 106.10
Norge15138404MjøderietMjøderiet KatlaMjød 12.0 0.250 149.90
Norge14833704MjøderietMjøderiet ZombeeMjød 15.5 0.250 258.70
USA13137902Mortalis BrewingMortalis Hippogriff Fruited SourSurøl 6.0 0.473 159.80
USA13137802Mortalis BrewingMortalis Hydra Sandwich Fruited SourSurøl 7.0 0.473 159.90
England14923502Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Dark & Wild City Vanilla Mochaccino StoutPorter & stout 9.0 0.440 99.90
England14803602Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Divine Faith Double IPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 99.70
England15047302Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 1.07 Tom Joy // For Coco // Speyside BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout 13.3 0.440 119.80
England14803802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 11.04 Lord Whitney//Empress Of Science Raspberry & Tea IPAIndia pale ale 5.5 0.440 94.80
England15047502Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 17.02 Insa // Ethel // Stigbergets // Garage Tropical IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.440 99.80
England14803702Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 2.05 Nomad Clan/Lost Highway/Seven Island Tropical IPAIndia pale ale 7.4 0.440 99.70
England15047102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 23.04 Forage Fire Blackcurrant, Blackberry & Sea Salt GoseSurøl 4.8 0.440 89.90
England15047402Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 3.05//21.03 Once Twice Three Times a Dream Line Whale IPAIndia pale ale 7.4 0.440 104.80
England14803902Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 36.01 Chris (Simpsons Artist) Nice Toe Meet You DDH IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.440 99.70
England15047202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Powered By Faith DDH Hazy Pale AleIndia pale ale 5.6 0.440 93.90
England13368702Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Stigbergets Eternal Haze DDH IPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 91.80
Norge15118802Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Ale Of PlentyIndia pale ale 6.5 0.330 39.90
Norge15118902Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Classic Premium LagerLys lager 5.5 0.330 34.90
USA12520102Old Nation Brewing CoOld Nation Boss Tweed Double IPAIndia pale ale 9.3 0.473 154.50
Norge13833302Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Esperanto IPAIndia pale ale 6.7 0.330 59.70
Spania14849302Oso Brew CoOso Brew Coco Bells Coconut Imperial StoutPorter & stout 9.5 0.440 136.60
Spania14763202Oso Brew CoOso Brew x Track Mad For It DIPAIndia pale ale 8.2 0.440 139.30
Skottland14924002Overtone BrewingOvertone Explosions In The Cry TIPAIndia pale ale 11.0 0.440 114.80
Skottland14924102Overtone BrewingOvertone To Each Its Own IPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.440 99.80
Skottland14923902Overtone BrewingOvertone Triumphant IPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.440 89.90
Estland15068502Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Strudel StoutPorter & stout 11.5 0.330 125.00
Estland15068602Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Must Kuld Paper Mill Coffee PorterPorter & stout 7.8 0.330 69.90
Estland13834902Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Värske Wet Hopped LagerLys lager 5.0 0.330 65.00
England13242902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island 50 eggs IPAIndia pale ale 6.8 0.440 109.70
England15069702Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Per ardua ad astra Saison Darjeeling Tea and Orange ZestSaison farmhouse ale 4.8 0.440 89.80
England15069902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Same thing we do every night DIPAIndia pale ale 8.5 0.440 119.70
England15069602Pomona Island BrewPomona Island You just don't see 'em Sour IPASurøl 7.4 0.440 109.70
USA3550902Prairie AlesPrairie Bomb! Imperial StoutPorter & stout 13.0 0.355 194.80
USA14965002Prairie AlesPrairie Double Vanilla Noir Barrel Aged StoutPorter & stout 13.4 0.355 249.80
USA14964902Prairie AlesPrairie Moose Boots Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout 13.4 0.355 249.70
England15059302Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Aprés Cold IPAIndia pale ale 6.2 0.440 114.00
England15059502Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Cheap Suit New England IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.440 115.90
England15059702Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Internet Friends Pineapple, Coconut & Vanilla SourSurøl 5.5 0.440 110.80
England15059602Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Two Weeks In Florida DIPAIndia pale ale 8.5 0.440 120.80
England14796602Rivington Brewing CoRivington Going Down The Bayou DDH PalePale ale 5.5 0.500 108.00
England14796502Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Verdant x Baron Farm Trip 2022 DDH IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.500 124.70
England14935802S43S43 Chimera Barrel Aged Belgian Golden StrongSpesial 10.0 0.330 129.40
England14936002S43S43 Leviathan Barrel Aged Imperial Coconut & Peacan Pastry StoutPorter & stout 10.0 0.330 130.00
England14935902S43S43 Orthrus Barrel Aged Imperial Honeycomb StoutPorter & stout 11.8 0.330 133.20
England14936102S43S43 Orthrus Barrel Aged Imperial Honeycomb StoutPorter & stout 11.8 0.330 133.20
England14847202S43S43 Smoked Santa Imperial StoutPorter & stout 12.0 0.440 128.80
Tyskland14765202Schwarze RoseSwartze Rose x Protokoll Club Tropicana Fruited SourSurøl 6.0 0.440 115.10
Hellas14919002Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Hop SpectrumIndia pale ale 9.3 0.440 109.70
Norge12191202Sleeping Village BrewingSleeping Village Double Gardening Dry Hopped Imperial FarmhouseSaison farmhouse ale 8.2 0.440 98.60
USA14960802SpeciationSpeciation Genetic Drift Foeder Aged Solera SaisonSaison farmhouse ale 6.5 0.375 154.90
USA14960902SpeciationSpeciation Mycorrhiza Barrel Aged Wild AleSurøl 7.0 0.375 154.90
USA14960702SpeciationSpeciation Panoptic Pastry Sour AleSurøl 7.5 0.375 169.90
USA14816702Stone Brewing CompanyStone RuinTen Triple IPAIndia pale ale 10.8 0.355 94.70
USA15111102SuperstitionSuperstition Meadery $Tax on Deck, Coffee on IceMjød 13.5 0.375 449.90
USA15111401SuperstitionSuperstition Meadery Blueberry HexMjød 13.0 0.750 599.90
USA15111201SuperstitionSuperstition Meadery Peanut Butter Jelly CrimeMjød 13.0 0.750 599.90
USA15111301SuperstitionSuperstition Meadery Strawberry SunriseMjød 13.0 0.750 750.00
England14797102Tartarus BeersTartarus Umibozu Squid Ink, Seaweed & Yuzu Imperial GoseSurøl 9.3 0.330 146.30
Sverige13295402Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Daydream Fruited SourSurøl 6.0 0.330 89.80
Sverige13099202Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Shaman SourSurøl 6.0 0.330 91.80
Frankrike15062402The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy EroicaIndia pale ale 6.1 0.330 74.80
Frankrike14772102The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Rebel monk IISaison farmhouse ale 5.8 0.330 89.80
Frankrike14772002The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Tokamak QIPAIndia pale ale 11.0 0.440 119.70
Canada14925202Third Moon Brewing Co.Third Moon Bloodbath IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.473 164.90
Canada14925302Third Moon Brewing Co.Third Moon Continuous Blood IPAIndia pale ale 6.8 0.473 164.90
Canada14925402Third Moon Brewing Co.Third Moon Den of Thieves IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.473 164.90
England14803402Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Cascadian Pursuit Black IPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.440 121.10
England14846902Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Coordinates Christmas Chocolate Orange BockMørk lager 5.6 0.440 123.20
England14846802Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Forbidden Christmas Cranberry & Cinnamon Jule SourSurøl 5.5 0.440 126.80
England15071002Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Forbidden Pastry Summer Fruits Crumble With Custard Pastry SourSurøl 8.0 0.440 139.10
England14775002Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Sunshine Juice NEIPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.440 124.80
England14847002Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Trium Faba Barrel Aged Christmas EditionPorter & stout 11.0 0.440 179.30
USA14816302Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath DDH King Sue DIPAIndia pale ale 7.8 0.473 159.80
USA12038702Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath King Sue DIPAIndia pale ale 7.8 0.473 139.90
USA14924302Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Radiant Haze IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.473 139.90
USA14924402Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath x North Park Dino Park DIPAIndia pale ale 7.8 0.473 159.90
Canada14762401Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale 30.000 Steps Pineapple SourSurøl 7.1 0.750 299.80
Canada14766101Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale Separated To A Degree Winter 2021/2022Surøl 7.0 0.750 299.30
England14938202Unbarred BreweryUnbarred x Bison Beer Honeycomb Milkshake Pale Ple with Local LoneyPale ale 6.0 0.440 111.00
Skottland13510102Vault City BrewingVault City Raspberry White Chocolate Honeycomb Imperial StoutPorter & stout 12.0 0.375 134.90
Skottland13779402Vault City BrewingVault City Sweet Cherry BakewellSurøl 7.5 0.375 109.10
England14919402Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Comfort Settings DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 124.90
England14925602Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Electric Mizzle IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.440 99.80
England14919502Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Little Mountains We Move IPAIndia pale ale 6.4 0.440 99.80
England12084502Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Unconventional Tactics DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 119.70
England14963202Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond Armchair Thriller DDH IPAIndia pale ale 6.7 0.440 89.70
Norge10382402Ægir BryggeriÆgir Breck I Barrel-Aged StoutPorter & stout 8.0 0.330 79.90
Norge10382302Ægir BryggeriÆgir Breck II Barrel-Aged BarleywineBarley wine 13.2 0.330 99.90
Norge10382502Ægir BryggeriÆgir Goslar Double GoseSurøl 8.0 0.330 79.90
Norge15152502Ægir BryggeriÆgir Heftig Hefe WeizenbockHveteøl 7.0 0.440 91.80
Norge10596102Ægir BryggeriÆgir x Monyo Nordic VibeBarley wine 12.0 0.330 84.90
Danmark14963402Åben BreweryÅben Deliciosa Sour IPASurøl 6.1 0.440 99.70
Danmark14963502Åben BreweryÅben Eat Your Greens DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 99.70
Norge15126202Aass BryggeriAass Premium PilsnerLys lager 6.0 0.500 45.30


Til sist lanseres disse 128 produktene i tilleggsutvalget. Disse kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken umiddelbart. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager.
LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Norge151935027 Fjell Bryggeri7Fjell x Ægir Soul Patch Black IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.330 61.90
Sverige15205502Apex Brewing Co.Apex Feral Beast DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 104.80
Sverige15205702Apex Brewing Co.Apex Stigmata TIPAIndia pale ale 10.0 0.440 109.70
Latvia15186302Arpus Brewing Co.Arpus Brewing QDH Mosaic x Riwaka x Nelson x Galaxy TIPAIndia pale ale 10.0 0.440 103.90
Latvia15186702Arpus Brewing Co.Arpus Brewing TDH Mosaic 2021 DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 89.90
England15195002Arundel BreweryArundel x Wild Heaven Pale AlePale ale 5.2 0.440 105.10
England14806102Brew YorkBrew York BA Draids Buffalo Trace Bourbon BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout 12.0 0.330 117.10
England12847202Brew YorkBrew York Big Eagle 2020India pale ale 7.1 0.440 92.20
England12847102Brew YorkBrew York Empress TonkokoPorter & stout 10.6 0.440 132.90
England13962402Brew YorkBrew York Imperial S'more TonkokoPorter & stout 7.5 0.440 130.90
England15194702Brew YorkBrew York Red Light, Green Light Wild Strawberry & Kiwi SourSurøl 5.5 0.440 87.60
England13836902Brew YorkBrew York x Fyne Ales Release The Cranachan Imperial Raspberry OatmealPorter & stout 9.0 0.440 133.50
England15195202Brew YorkRonin Fermentation Project SoignéLys lager 5.0 0.330 96.20
Sverige15196002Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Ester West Coast IpaIndia pale ale 7.0 0.330 69.80
Sverige15195802Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Sneaky Horse NeipaIndia pale ale 6.5 0.330 64.90
Sverige15196101Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski SWAP #2 Hannahannah Barrel aged Imp stout w real vanillaPorter & stout 11.5 0.750 267.50
Sverige15196202Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski x Crooked Moon x Blech Brut Brutal Hugging NE TipaIndia pale ale 9.0 0.330 84.70
Belgia15199501Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Langste KookSurøl 7.4 0.750 299.90
Belgia15199401Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Nocturne Blend 47 21|22Surøl 8.0 0.750 259.90
Belgia15199301Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Nocturne Blend 48 21|22Surøl 7.0 0.750 249.90
Polen15186202Browar PINTAPinta Collab x Monsters Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.500 84.90
Norge14822702BådinBådin Ekuanot NEIPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.330 69.70
Norge14822602BådinBådin Simcoe NEIPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.330 69.70
Norge15180501Central BybryggeriCentral Bybryggeri Misty Mountain Wild Farmhouse AleSurøl 6.0 0.750 179.00
Storbritannia15201802Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater Embracing Everything Wild AleSurøl 7.4 0.375 148.80
Storbritannia15201702Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater Proper DIPA: Idaho7 EditionIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 115.80
Sverige15204402Crooked Moon BrewingCrooked Moon Brewing Moon NEIPAIndia pale ale 6.0 0.330 73.60
Sverige15204202Crooked Moon BrewingCrooked Moon Brewing Phantasma DIPAIndia pale ale 9.0 0.330 84.70
Sverige15205002Crooked Moon BrewingCrooked Moon Brewing Thrice TIPAIndia pale ale 11.0 0.330 88.70
England15194101Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Honey Isle Golden Ale with HoneyberriesSurøl 5.5 0.750 303.90
England15184002Deya Brewing Co.Deya Message Me The Verdict Citra Pale AlePale ale 5.8 0.500 96.60
Sverige15204302Duckpond BrewingDuckpond DeweySurøl 5.0 0.330 81.60
Sverige15204002Duckpond BrewingDuckpond x Blech Brut Let It B DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 109.10
Norge14467502ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Crippling Debt New England IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.330 69.80
Norge11935302ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ CTO Russian Imperial Moccamint StoutPorter & stout 11.5 0.330 65.30
Norge14242302ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Elevation American Pale AlePale ale 6.0 0.330 51.70
Norge12415902ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Red Harvest Fruited SourSurøl 5.5 0.330 64.20
Norge12057802ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Wire Fraud Double Paidhops NEIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.330 69.30
USA15189102Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Light At The End Of The Tunnel IPAIndia pale ale 6.8 0.473 134.80
USA15189302Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Super Fractal Koru Set TIPAIndia pale ale 10.0 0.473 169.90
USA15189202Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium x Toppling Goliath King Al DIPAIndia pale ale 7.9 0.473 154.90
USA15189402Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium x Widowmaker Brewing Astral Projection Into Multiple Galaxies DIPAIndia pale ale 8.5 0.473 149.80
Sverige15195902Friends CompanyFriends Hopskull DDH NeipaIndia pale ale 6.5 0.330 77.80
Polen15188202Funky FluidFunky Fluid Gummy Pink Triple Pastry SourSurøl 9.0 0.500 105.40
Polen15188102Funky FluidFunky Fluid X Basquelad Alvaro Gelato BizcochoSurøl 5.5 0.500 79.70
Spania15184702Garage Beer CoGarage X The Veil Caged Dormuntder ExportLys lager 5.5 0.440 70.90
Spania15184802Garage Beer CoGarage X The Veil Succulent DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 104.80
Storbritannia15137402Hall & WoodhouseTanglefootLys ale 5.0 0.500 69.30
England15172602Hall & WoodhouseThe Cranborne PoacherRed/amber 5.7 0.500 72.50
Storbritannia15179002Hall & WoodhouseTwice Tangled Double Hopped IPAIndia pale ale 5.2 0.500 70.40
Norge10491202Hogna BryggHogna CandylandIndia pale ale 7.4 0.440 79.90
USA15193402Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Mega Dipped DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.473 159.90
USA15193302Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Unwind Your Mind DIPAIndia pale ale 7.5 0.473 159.90
Norge7658902Inderøy GårdsbryggeriInderøy Gårdsbryggeri Jubileum 10 BraggotMjød 10.2 0.500 130.40
Norge12471402Inderøy GårdsbryggeriInderøy Gårdsbryggeri MjødMjød 12.0 0.375 129.70
USA15190201Jester KingJester King Das Wunderkind! Blended SaisonSaison farmhouse ale 5.0 0.750 269.90
USA15190401Jester KingJester King Snörkel Farmhouse AleSaison farmhouse ale 5.5 0.750 269.90
USA15190301Jester KingJester King x Perennial Artisan Ales Enigmatic Taxa Farmhouse Pale AleSaison farmhouse ale 7.0 0.750 329.90
Norge14062001Lervig ASLervig Rackhouse Le Grand MélangeSurøl 8.0 0.750 199.70
Norge15179502Lervig ASRackhouse Triple Chocolate CoconutPorter & stout 14.3 0.375 205.00
Latvia15109402MaldugunsMedsSpesial 6.9 0.500 90.00
Latvia15109502MaldugunsPilota Nakts PorterPorter & stout 7.0 0.500 92.30
Norge15201502MarloboboMarlobobo BrainbowMjød 13.0 0.375 359.90
England14328402Merakai Brewing coMerakai x Eko One Day Imperial Coffee & Vanilla StoutPorter & stout 12.0 0.440 115.10
England15039801Mills BrewingMills Bière de GardeSurøl 5.3 0.750 253.20
England15039901Mills BrewingMills ClompSurøl 5.7 0.750 249.80
England15039701Mills BrewingMills MeshSurøl 6.5 0.750 262.20
England15039601Mills BrewingMills Spectre SisterSurøl 7.2 0.750 264.30
England15195301Mills BrewingMills Stand Togheter Bourbon BarrelSurøl 11.0 0.750 291.30
Norge15193002Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Chaos Theory West Coast DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 101.90
Norge15193202Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Improbability Drive Quadruple IPAIndia pale ale 11.4 0.440 121.90
Polen15186602Moon LarkMoon Lark Byway Wheat IPAIndia pale ale 5.6 0.500 79.90
Polen15186502Moon LarkMoon Lark Ghost Black IPAIndia pale ale 6.4 0.500 83.90
Sverige15205602NerdbrewingNerbrewing Barrel Series 012Barley wine 11.7 0.330 160.00
Sverige15205402NerdbrewingNerdbrewing Increment Imp. Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout 16.0 0.330 159.60
England15190902Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 24.07 Tom J Newell / Above The Clouds / BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout 14.0 0.440 129.90
England15190702Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 31.07 Smug // The Church of SmugLife // Other Half DDH IPAIndia pale ale 7.4 0.440 109.90
England15190802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 33.04 Thought Bubble / Alex Norris / Floc BrewingDDH IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.440 99.90
Sverige15204102OmnipolloOmnipollo Fruit World Famous Pineapple Coconut SourSurøl 6.0 0.330 84.70
Sverige15196302OmnipolloOmnipollo Omnipollos hatt IPAIndia pale ale 6.2 0.330 79.70
Sverige15204802OmnipolloOmnipollo x Eight State Dream FactoryPorter & stout 10.5 0.330 194.50
Sverige15205102OmnipolloOmnipollo x The Veil Ma'at Triple Fruited SourSurøl 6.0 0.330 95.80
Spania14763002Oso Brew CoOso Brew + Soma Empty OrchestraIndia pale ale 6.0 0.440 127.80
Spania14762902Oso Brew CoOso Brew Frutal II Blueberry Blackcurrant Berliner WeisseSurøl 6.5 0.440 119.80
Spania14763302Oso Brew CoOso Brew Mr. Ambassador Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout 10.0 0.440 139.40
England14335402Oso Brew CoOso Full Monty NEIPAIndia pale ale 6.6 0.440 103.50
Belgia15189606Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Oude Vieux Lambiek 3 YearsSurøl 6.8 3.100 699.70
Belgia12645306Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Winter Lambiek Infused With Pine BudSurøl 6.8 3.100 599.70
Belgia13638001Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Winter Lambiek Sparkling InfusedSurøl 6.0 0.750 224.90
Wales15186102Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Brew Gyle #1000 West Coast IPAIndia pale ale 10.0 0.440 117.00
Wales15186002Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Brew Wilder Side Pale AlePale ale 5.2 0.440 84.50
Norge14964502Raus BryggeriRaus Bjørn Imperial Brown AleBrown ale 8.0 0.330 72.60
England13838102S43S43 x Brew York Pumpkin, Pumpkin Imperial Pumpkin Spice Latte StoutPorter & stout 9.5 0.440 99.60
England14847102S43S43 Yule Blot MaibockMørk lager 7.3 0.440 115.70
Norge15199602Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Blast From The PastIndia pale ale 7.0 0.440 101.90
Norge15200002Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Electrostatic Ion ThrusterIndia pale ale 10.0 0.440 131.90
Norge15199702Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt NovaLys lager 6.0 0.440 103.10
Norge15199902Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt PhoenixBarley wine 13.3 0.375 240.00
Norge15199802Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt x Marlobobo Coco LocoIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 119.90
Norge14164302Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt x Westum BlastpipeIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 114.90
Tyskland14241002Schwarze RoseSchwarze Rose Ideas Burn Imperial StoutPorter & stout 9.5 0.330 117.00
Hellas15191702Seven Island BrewerySeven Island x Alvarado street Supernatural Hop FuryIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 109.70
Norge14776702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Bryggeri Teak Brown AleBrown ale 5.6 0.330 54.50
Norge14509702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Offshore Golden AleLys ale 5.4 0.330 51.90
Norge13114702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Thruster Raspberry Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale 7.0 0.330 72.00
Tyskland15204902Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death All RoboCops Are Beautiful DDH IPAIndia pale ale 6.5 0.440 99.60
Tyskland15204702Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Back In The Days DDH IPAIndia pale ale 6.8 0.440 99.40
Tyskland15204502Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death If You Got Complaints Please Talk To Our TourmanagerIndia pale ale 8.3 0.440 104.60
Tyskland15204602Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Lago De Fuego Horchata Pastry SourSurøl 8.5 0.440 104.50
England14534902Tartarus BeersTartarus BakuSaison farmhouse ale 6.3 0.330 102.80
England14537502Tartarus BeersTartarus Rearea Strawbeery, Lime & Coconout SoutSurøl 6.3 0.440 133.20
England14012002Tartarus BeersTartarus Rosechaard Belgian Style PlumSpesial 7.5 0.330 118.30
England14774902Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Veda Citra Single HopIndia pale ale 6.5 0.440 126.20
Canada14762701Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale A Cordial Invitation Cherry SourSurøl 6.9 0.750 299.80
Canada14766301Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale BrunchSurøl 7.1 0.750 299.80
Canada14766201Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale Orange Spheres in Blanket of WhiteSurøl 7.0 0.750 299.80
Canada14766501Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale PitahayaSurøl 6.0 0.750 300.00
Canada14766702Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale Writer's Blanc Barrel Aged Mixed Fermentation Sour AleSurøl 6.0 0.473 119.30
Tyskland15083702Uerige Obergärige Hausbrauerei GmbHJrön GrünhopfenstickeSpesial 6.2 0.330 102.00
USA15189702Urban South BreweryUrban South Double spilled Orange White Chocolate Fruited SourSurøl 6.0 0.473 159.90
USA15189802Urban South BreweryUrban South I Want To Ride My Bicycle With You TIPAIndia pale ale 9.5 0.473 169.90
USA15189902Urban South BreweryUrban South Triple Spilled Passionfruit, Raspberry, Marshmallow, Vanilla SourSurøl 6.5 0.473 164.90
USA15190002Urban South BreweryUrban South x Symbol Brewing DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.473 159.90
Storbritannia15083802Vibrant ForestVibrant Forest Amorph Citra DIPAIndia pale ale 8.0 0.440 97.70
Storbritannia15083902Vibrant ForestVibrant Forest Landscape TantrumsKlosterstil 12.1 0.440 134.90
Nederland15188902White DogWhite Dog The Abyss Gazing Back DIPAIndia pale ale 8.5 0.440 93.50
Nederland15189002White DogWhite Dog What's Under Your Jacket TIPAIndia pale ale 10.0 0.440 108.50
Norge15185902Ølbæks BryggeriØlbæks Imperial StoutPorter & stout 12.0 0.330 89.50

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