Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 9. april 2021

Det er ny måned, noe som betyr at nye øl blir tilgjengelig på Vinmonopolet. Vanligvis er disse lanseringene første fredagen hver måned, men siden denne nå landet på langfredag utsettes lanseringen til 9. april. Det bør ikke være noe problem, og du får kanskje til og med bedre tid til å planlegge innkjøpene dine nå i påsken?

I alt lanseres det 164 nye øl og to nye mjød. Topp tre land denne gangen er England (49 produkter), USA (25 produkter) og Norge (24 produkter). Som vanlig er IPA (NEIPA) mest representert med hele 84 øl. Etterfulgt av 33 surøl og 27 øl i kategoriene Porter & Stout.

Som alltid har jeg tatt på meg jobben med å søke opp alle på Untappd, og du finner ølets gjennomsnittlige Untappd-rating i kolonnen til høyre. Snittet denne lanseringen ligger på 3,99 av 5, så kan man jo tolke det hvordan man vil. Les gjerne min forrige post der jeg tar for meg nettopp dette med Untappd-rating og hvordan det påvirker ølverdenen.

Annenhver måned lanseres det øl i Vinmonopolets basis- og partiutvalg, men øl kan lanseres i tilleggsutvalget hver eneste måned. April er en slik måned der vi kun har lansering i tilleggsutvalget. Ikke at det lenger er noe negativt, med SÅ mange nyheter og så mye godt som blir lansert her også.

Hva er tilleggsutvalget?

Ølnyhetene i tilleggsutvalget kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken fredag 9. april. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Vent til litt ut i neste uke. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager. Butikkene kan begynne å bestille disse fredag 9. april.

Under finner du oversikten over alt som lanseres denne måneden:

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
USA1293960218th Street Brewery18th Street Dank Diesel DDH DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473139.93.95
USA1293950218th Street Brewery18th Street Hunter Double Milk StoutPorter & stout80.473149.94
USA1293970218th Street Brewery18th Street Pins snd Needles DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473144.94.05
USA12939402Adroit Theory BrewingAdroit Theory Dopamine Hazy Imperial IPAIndia pale ale80.473149.94.08
USA12939202Adroit Theory BrewingAdroit Theory EBK Ghost 945 Gashadokuro Imperial IPAIndia pale ale80.473149.94.04
USA12939302Adroit Theory BrewingAdroit Theory Negation Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.473140.54.12
Norge12921502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Bash Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.44106.90 n/a
Norge12921202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Bish Hazy IPAIndia pale ale50.4475.90 n/a
Norge12921402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Bosh Hazy TIPAIndia pale ale100.44121.90 n/a
Norge12921602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Cereal Killer Cherry, Chocolate & Coconut Granola Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44141.90 n/a
Norge12921002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can Barrel Aged Cherry & Chocolate GanachePorter & stout11.50.33134.94.32
Norge12921102Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can Barrel Aged Coconut Choc Chip CookiePorter & stout11.50.33134.94.25
Norge12921302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can Barrel Aged Tonka & Caramel Swirl Ice-CreamPorter & stout11.50.33134.94.26
Norge12921702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Wired Salted Caramel Flat White Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44141.90 n/a
Spania12937202Basqueland BrewingBasqueland Berry Berry Breakfast Pastry SourSurøl60.4484.23.94
Spania12937102Basqueland BrewingBasqueland x Great Notion Peanut Butter Prophecy Imerial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44109.14.08
Spania12937302Basqueland BrewingBasqueland Zumo Hazy IPAIndia pale ale60.4480.63.92
USA11947702Bearded Iris Brewing COBearded Iris Chief of Chiefs DDH DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.473144.94.2
USA12939902Bearded Iris Brewing COBearded Iris Details DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.473149.93.92
USA12939802Bearded Iris Brewing COBearded Iris Double Scatterbrain DDH Citra DIPAIndia pale ale80.473144.94.16
Italia5408302Birrificio Il MastioBirrificio Il Mastio Montelago LithaLys ale5.20.3357.93.47
England12911002Brew YorkBrew York Goose WillisSurøl5.30.441163.79
Skottland12920602BrewDogBrewDog vs Salt Model Citizen New England IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4471.93.82
Sverige12944502Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Strawberry Passionfruit Vanilla SorbetSurøl5.50.3376.74
Belgia3919002Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude GeuzeSurøl5.70.37598.54.09
Belgia11047702Brouwerij Van SteenbergeAugustijn BlondLys ale70.3349.93.52
Belgia11047802Brouwerij Van SteenbergeBaptist WitHveteøl50.33453.41
England12919302Burning SkyBurning Sky Load of noise IPAIndia pale ale7.40.4499.93.96
England11953302Burning SkyBurning Sky Out of Vogue West Coast IPAIndia pale ale5.90.4499.93.74
England11337601Burning SkyBurning Sky RustiqueSurøl8.50.75219.94
England12923602Burning SkyBurning Sky x Verdant We are the people DIPAIndia pale ale80.44109.94.02
England12929902Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Multiverse Level 3 IPAIndia pale ale60.44109.93.99
England12926702Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery Barrel Masters StienitzPorter & stout140.331554.26
England12926802Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery Barrel Masters TalPorter & stout140.331554.34
England12927302Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery King Maker TIPAIndia pale ale10.50.44111.24.34
England12927002Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery Lupulus X RakauIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.85
England12927102Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery Lupulus X TRI-2304CRIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.85
England12926902Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery Nargil Coconut Pastry StoutPorter & stout60.33653.55
England12926602Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery Rain ShadowPorter & stout100.3389.94.07
England12927402Buxton BreweryBuxton Brewery Rest Day DIPAIndia pale ale80.4489.94.1
England12912302By the River BrewBy The River Doubleheeder DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.94.12
England12912102By the River BrewBy The River x Wylam Big Trouble Al'Owa Pecan & Maple Imperial StoutPorter & stout140.44129.94.28
Norge12914802Bygland BryggeriBygland Vetrebrauti Tropisk Galaktisk IPAIndia pale ale7.50.4482.20 n/a
Norge12929102BådinBådin Tåkeheimen V.3 Single Hop Sabro DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3366.80 n/a
USA12940102Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Braaaaaaaains Pineapple, Passionfruit, Orange, Lime Fruit SmoothieSurøl7.20.473159.94.38
USA12940002Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Wheez The Ju-uuuuuuuuuice DDH IPAIndia pale ale60.473154.94.12
Danmark12923502Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter The Great Square of Pegasus DDH Double IPAIndia pale ale80.4498.94.09
Danmark12923402Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter Winter Hexagon DDH Triple IPAIndia pale ale100.44104.94.21
Sverige12934402Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Rosé SourSurøl60.3377.73.79
Norge11935302ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Cto Russian Imperial Moccamint StoutPorter & stout11.50.3380.20 n/a
USA12929202Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Fluctuation Double IPAIndia pale ale8.10.473164.94.32
USA12929502Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Fractal Cashmere Citra IPAIndia pale ale6.80.473149.94.17
USA12929402Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Harvester of Simcoe DIPAIndia pale ale8.80.473164.94.29
USA12929302Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Space Rainbow Batch 2 Double IPAIndia pale ale8.50.473164.94.27
USA12929602Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Wavelength IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473149.94.12
Spania12936702Freddo FoxFreddo Fox All you need is..Surøl60.3369.13.85
Spania12937002Freddo FoxFreddo Fox Floating into space DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.3373.40 n/a
Spania12936802Freddo FoxFreddo Fox x Northern Monk Take me home IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3368.90 n/a
Sverige12934102Friends CompanyFriends Company Double Cherry Coffee Break Cupcake SourSurøl60.33740 n/a
Sverige12934002Friends CompanyFriends Company Double Cherry Cupcake SourSurøl60.33740 n/a
Polen12936502Funky FluidFunky Fluid Double Gelato Yellow FluffSurøl80.585.64.1
Polen12936402Funky FluidFunky Fluid Tropical SmoothieSurøl50.569.33.66
Norge6393908Færder MikrobryggeriFærder Gull, Røkelse og Myrra (3x33cl)Spesial7.20.99190.33,45/3,34/3,30
Spania12937602Garage Beer CoGarage Beer Triple SoupIndia pale ale100.44108.84.31
Spania12937402Garage Beer CoGarage x Montana Colours RV-1021 IPAIndia pale ale70.4483.60 n/a
England12914602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Loafer IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4494.93.84
England12914502Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Road Hog Session IPAIndia pale ale4.80.4484.93.73
England12914402Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Sole Seller IPAIndia pale ale60.4489.93.62
England12914702Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Tankslapper Double IPAIndia pale ale8.50.44109.94.13
Norge6990102Harstad BryggeriHarstad Bryggeri Rye Pale AlePale ale5.70.5653.23
Norge12930502Hogna BryggHogna Misty Mountain TopsIndia pale ale60.4479.93.84
USA12930102Interboro Spirits & AlesInterboro Fresh to Def Blueberry SourSurøl5.20.473149.93.75
Norge12701602Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri X3 TDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.3376.33.77
Belgia11139101Lambiek FabriekLambiek Fabriek Brett-Elle Oude GeuzeSurøl60.751753.85
Italia12007902LoverBeerLoverbeer Beerbera Riserva BeergnacSurøl80.375149.94.06
Italia12008002LoverBeerLoverbeer Beerbruna EvolutionSurøl8.20.375149.94.17
Norge12922302Lysefjorden MikrobryggeriLysefjorden Sterk Red IPAPale ale6.50.3373.80 n/a
Norge12921902Marlobobos ASMarlobobo In The Park Before DarkMjød100.375349.94.39
Norge12921802Marlobobos ASMarlobobo Nordic MeadowMjød120.375279.90 n/a
Danmark12930902MikkellerMikkeller Frederiksdal Cherry DoublebockSpesial90.375127.83.44
Danmark12930602MikkellerMikkeller Frederiksdal Cherry TrippelbockSpesial12.90.375150.33.43
Danmark12931002MikkellerMikkeller Japanese Rice Lager YuzuLys lager50.3356.13.26
Danmark12930702MikkellerMikkeller Space Race Gluten Free IPAIndia pale ale6.70.3371.33.73
Danmark12931202MikkellerMikkeller Spontan Double BlueberrySurøl8.40.3751783.99
Danmark12930802MikkellerMikkeller x Gaffel Sally O Sally KölschSpesial4.90.563.23.19
Danmark12933701Mikkeller BaghavenBaghaven Rubus of Rose VaniljeSurøl6.50.75291.54.14
Danmark12933601Mikkeller BaghavenBaghaven Stevnsbær 2020Surøl8.50.75301.54.09
USA12931402Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Staff Wizard Berliner WeisseSurøl50.47395.93.65
USA12931502Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Toasties Shake Bourbon Barrel Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.50.5341.94.37
USA12929702Mortalis BrewingMortalis Blackberry Pineapple RaspberrySurøl70.473189.94.26
USA12929802Mortalis BrewingMortalis Triple Berry CampfireSurøl70.473199.94.56
Nederland11272701NevelNevel Grondslag BlondeSurøl5.20.75169.93.57
Nederland11272901NevelNevel x Seperatist Aurum BlondeSurøl5.20.75175.43.71
England12920902Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 21.06 SKGN // Dream Line Forms: Six // Stigbergets // DDHIPAIndia pale ale70.4499.94.12
England12920702Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 29.01 Rob.C.Art // Purpura // Track // Fruited Sour IPAIndia pale ale6.40.4499.93.57
Sverige10992802O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing 50/50 IPA Mosaic/CitraIndia pale ale6.50.4489.93.94
Sverige12927202O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Anniversary Baltic PorterPorter & stout11.30.331193.83
Sverige12927602O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Arctos Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.20.331254.09
Sverige12927502O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Bohemia SaisonSaison farmhouse ale50.33653.24
Sverige11791902O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Carismatico Dobbel IPAIndia pale ale8.50.441154.04
Sverige12935002OmnipolloOmnipollo Bianca Noa Pecan Coconut Raspberry Mud Cake Lassi GoseSurøl70.5191.24.41
Sverige12935402OmnipolloOmnipollo Hally IPAIndia pale ale70.3382.13.82
Sverige12935202OmnipolloOmnipollo Pleroma Gooseberry Raspberry Creme Brûlée SourSurøl60.3378.93.9
Sverige12935302OmnipolloOmnipollo Stars Azacca Citra Pale AleIndia pale ale5.50.3374.23.8
Sverige12935602OmnipolloOmnipollo x 3 Sons Noa Scoop! Strawberry Pecan Mud Cake Imperial Stout.Porter & stout110.33151.10 n/a
Sverige12935502OmnipolloOmnipollo x Morgondagens x Duckpond x Dugges Theoricus Jawbreaker Triple IPAIndia pale ale100.33109.10 n/a
Skottland12938902Overtone BrewingOvertone Big Yin TIPAIndia pale ale100.44119.94.28
Skottland12938702Overtone BrewingOvertone Charlie Doesn't Surf Oat Cream NEIPAIndia pale ale6.60.4499.93.94
Skottland12939002Overtone BrewingOvertone Opaque Dankness NEIPAIndia pale ale60.4489.94.12
Skottland12938802Overtone BrewingOvertone Pale El Dorado Pale AlePale ale60.4479.93.79
England12936002Pentrich Brewing CoPentrich Astronauts & Crosses IPAIndia pale ale7.20.4483.54.14
England12935902Pentrich Brewing CoPentrich Big Stache DIPAIndia pale ale8.40.44101.14.22
England12936202Pentrich Brewing CoPentrich One Step Klose FestbierLys lager60.4474.53.9
Estland7969602Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Pime Öö Islay BA Cellar SeriesPorter & stout140.331254.17
Estland12915002Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Vaquero Breakfast Cellar SeriesPorter & stout120.331254.21
Estland12915102Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Vikerkaar Imperial GoseSurøl7.50.3369.93.75
Wales12922202Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Falter DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.20.4495.74.14
Wales12922102Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Lupo Capisco Pale AlePale ale5.60.4479.64.02
Wales12922002Polly's Brew Co.Polly's The Worn and the Reliant Export PorterPorter & stout6.70.4483.80 n/a
England12862102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Always have, always will Peach, apricot and raspberry sourSurøl6.50.44109.23.83
England12862302Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Chevron action flash TIPAIndia pale ale100.44129.94.47
England11938102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Good morning Captain DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.94.24
England12864202Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Woke up laughing DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.94.12
England12864302Pomona Island BrewPomona Island You and he were buddies... weren't you DDH pale alePale ale4.80.4489.93.75
Norge3802802Qvart ØlkompaniQvart Palmekyst IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3358.23.65
Norge12910602RYGR BrygghusRygr Sure Pernille Papaya SurølSurøl7.50.3379.24.37
England12910902S43S43 Brewery 100 Minute Hour Rye SaisonSpesial6.50.44120.23.85
England12854202S43S43 Brewery 12 02 2021India pale ale6.70.44123.73.94
England12853902S43S43 Brewery Auld Land ZealandIndia pale ale7.10.44124.14.1
England12911202S43S43 Brewery Big JuiceIndia pale ale6.20.44122.24.12
England12911102S43S43 Brewery Crimble CrumbleSurøl60.44120.14.01
England12854302S43S43 Brewery Fastest Hunk Of Junk In The GalaxyIndia pale ale8.10.44126.34.16
England12854402S43S43 Brewery RorschachPorter & stout8.10.441203.99
England12855302S43S43 Brewery The BeastPorter & stout120.44136.54.11
England12854502S43S43 Brewery Tripping on El DoradoPale ale5.30.44113.93.88
England12855102S43S43 Brewery x Play You've Been Mango'dIndia pale ale6.70.44124.43.73
Norge10056102Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt DDH CitraIndia pale ale70.3376.94.02
Norge11715402Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Mango SmoothieSurøl5.50.3369.94.18
Norge10088002Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes 1st OfficerScotch ale70.3361.63.56
Estland12927802Sori BrewingSori Brewing Shadow Game X Heaven Hill Bourbon BarrelPorter & stout12.70.33119.94.17
Estland12928002Sori BrewingSori Brewing Shadow Game XI Heaven Hill Bourbon BarrelPorter & stout12.60.33119.94.2
Estland12927902Sori BrewingSori Ensemble 10 NEIPAIndia pale ale8.20.4489.94
Norge12902602Stolt BryggeriStolt Bryggeri Retro IPAIndia pale ale70.4489.50 n/a
USA12911802Stone Brewing CompanyStone Ruined Again Triple IPAIndia pale ale10.80.355102.23.98
Tyskland12916302Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Berlin Syndrom DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4485.14.22
Tyskland12916502Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Blades of steel DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.4495.34.16
Tyskland12916402Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Load DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.10.4495.24.25
England12916602The Kernel BreweryThe Kernel Biére de Saison Crab AppleSaison farmhouse ale4.90.3362.53.84
Frankrike12977802The Piggy Brewing CompanyCollab Piggy x Popihn Triple Sour Fruited MandarineSurøl9.50.4499.93.75
Frankrike12977902The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Das rökeriSpesial6.50.4470.33.92
Frankrike12977602The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy El Jefe Double NEIPAIndia pale ale80.4499.94.25
Frankrike12977702The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Eroica NEIPAIndia pale ale6.10.4479.93.86
Irland12933502Third Barrel BrewingThird Barrel The Space Between Us Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout9.50.3399.34.1
USA12038702Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath King Sue DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473159.94.36
USA12930002Two RoadsTwo Roads x Evil Twin Thirteen Months of Sun Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.473119.93.7
USA12939102Untitled ArtUntitled Art x Corporate Ladder Peaches Sour À La Mode Berliner WeisseSurøl60.473139.94.13
England12199402Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Keep Left DIPAIndia pale ale80.44139.94.26
England12084402Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Neal Gets Things Done IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44114.94.16
England12920502Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Random Rules IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44119.94.13
England12920802Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Rustling Substance Pale AleIndia pale ale5.20.44104.94.05
Irland12936102Whiplash BeerWhiplash Drone Logic DIPAIndia pale ale80.4487.94.08
Irland12936302Whiplash BeerWhiplash Eventually DIPAIndia pale ale80.4487.93.94
England12911902Wylam BreweryWylam Jakehead Supercharged IPAIndia pale ale6.30.4484.93.88
England12230402Wylam BreweryWylam Macchiato Hazelnut Praline Coffee PorterPorter & stout6.50.4499.93.9
England12912002Wylam BreweryWylam x Good Things Put a Dank on It Southern Hemisphere DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44129.94.2
England12912202Wylam BreweryWylam You Can't Download the Future India Pale AleIndia pale ale7.40.44114.94.23

Untappd-rating oppdatert 31.03.21.

7 Kommentarer on “Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 9. april 2021

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