Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 5. april 2023

I april kan vi slå kloa i hele 172 nye øl på Vinmonopolet! Men disse finner du ikke i alle butikker. Denne måneden lanseres det kun øl i utvalget som heter «tilleggsutvalget». Av disse 172 er blant annet 67 IPA, 38 er surøl og 25 er Porter & Stout.

Hva er tilleggsutvalget?

Ølnyhetene i tilleggsutvalget kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken på lanseringsdagen. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Vent noen dager. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager. Butikkene kan begynne å bestille disse på lanseringsdagen.

Her finner du oversikten over det som lanseres denne måneden.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
USA15485002903 Brewers903 Brewers Dice Goblin ReservePorter & stout12.00.473 161.10
Norge15483602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Ray Ray Juice 2.0 Mango, Peach, Mandarin & Marshmallow Pastry SourSurøl6.00.440 96.90
Norge15483702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Uncle Pop's Soda Series Orange Soda Ice Cream Pastry SourSurøl6.00.440 96.90
Norge15483502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Uncle Pop's Soda Series Root Beer Float Pastry SourSurøl6.00.440 96.90
Norge15477502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen x Salikatt Root of Dankness Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 86.90
Sverige15479602Apex Brewing Co.Apex Dominion DIPA HazyIndia pale ale8.00.440 104.80
Sverige15480402Apex Brewing Co.Apex Gorgon NE IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 99.60
Sverige15480102Apex Brewing Co.Apex Mephisto TIPAIndia pale ale10.00.440 115.80
Sverige15480502Apex Brewing Co.Apex Thulcandra IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 99.60
Latvia15455602Arpus Brewing Co.Arpus Mango x Guava x Apricot x Vanilla Smoothie Sour AleSurøl5.00.440 101.10
Latvia15455702Arpus Brewing Co.Arpus QDH Citra Cryo x Galaxy x Vic Secret x Nectaron QIPAIndia pale ale12.00.440 129.90
Tyskland15480802Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai A Short Ride In A Time Machine Double New Zealand IPAIndia pale ale7.70.440 105.00
Tyskland15480202Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Guess What 2 Different Hops DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.40.440 99.70
Tyskland15480702Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Guess What Shakespeare Single Hop DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.440 99.40
Tyskland15479702Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Samt & Seide Zwo22 Barrel Aged PorterPorter & stout9.50.440 139.30
USA15484602Battery Steele BrewingBattery Steele Rowing Jewels Oat India Pale AleIndia pale ale7.00.473 125.70
Nederland15424504BavariaBavaria Premium PilsLys lager5.00.250 32.90
Tyskland15476602Blech BrutBlech.Brut Blue Dots Oak Aged Triple Black IPAIndia pale ale9.50.440 116.10
Tyskland15476502Blech BrutBlech.Brut Rauchbier SpecialLys lager5.50.440 84.30
Tyskland15476902Blech BrutBlech.Brut Red Dots IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 99.90
Belgia14416401Brasserie DupontDupont Moinette BiologiqueSaison farmhouse ale7.50.750 119.90
Belgia14416502Brasserie DupontDupont Saison Cuvée Dry HoppingSaison farmhouse ale6.50.330 59.90
England15472302Brew YorkBrew York Deuce Forsyth Imperial Juice Bonus Fruited IPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 122.90
England15472502Brew YorkBrew York x Salt Hopbusters Motueka & Nelson NZ NEIPAIndia pale ale5.80.440 113.90
Skottland15423802BrewDogBrewDog Barn Dance American Barley WineBarley wine9.50.330 66.90
Skottland15423702BrewDogBrewDog Night Hawk Coffee StoutPorter & stout8.50.330 69.90
Belgia15474501Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen CassisSurøl6.70.750 350.00
Belgia13100005Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Hommage Oogst n°10Surøl6.81.500 750.00
Belgia14812601Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen KweeperSurøl6.80.750 299.00
Belgia15473601Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Perzik RoodSurøl6.20.750 350.00
Belgia13099802Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen x Loterbol TuverbolSpesial9.60.375 145.00
Belgia3508901Brouwerij de RankeDe Ranke KriekSurøl7.00.750 149.90
Belgia15587101Brouwerij Van SteenbergeGulden Draak Cuvée Prestige MadeiraKlosterstil10.50.750 279.90
Nederland15469802Budels BrouwerijBudels LentebockLys lager6.50.300 54.20
England11943901Burning SkyBurning Sky Saison ProvisionSurøl6.70.750 199.90
England13961302Buxton BreweryBuxton Axe^X DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.440 87.00
England15474302Buxton BreweryBuxton Citrus Maxima Grapefruit IPAIndia pale ale5.50.440 84.90
England15474202Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X. Styrian Dragon IPAIndia pale ale5.40.440 79.90
England15473502Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X. Styrian Wolf IPAIndia pale ale5.40.440 79.90
England15473902Buxton BreweryBuxton Middle Tor India Red AleRed/amber5.00.440 79.90
England15473702Buxton BreweryBuxton Pyrus Hazy Harlequin Hopped IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 89.90
England15474002Buxton BreweryBuxton Single Barrel Rain Shadow BrandyPorter & stout12.00.330 152.30
England15473802Buxton BreweryBuxton Single Barrel Rain Shadow RumPorter & stout12.00.330 152.30
England12348502Buxton BreweryBuxton Storm Shadow Imperial StoutPorter & stout8.50.440 70.00
England15474402Buxton BreweryBuxton Trillionaires Chocolate Caramel Fudge SundaePorter & stout10.00.330 139.00
England15474102Buxton BreweryBuxton x Omnipollo Yellow Belly Scotch SundaePorter & stout12.00.330 175.00
Norge15474902Bygland BryggeriBygland Lusekupta Brown AleBrown ale6.00.330 65.50
Norge15407802Bygland BryggeriBygland Sveikadden Sterk Kveika GardsølSaison farmhouse ale7.50.330 79.50
Norge15460102BådinBådin Gå ikke over bekken før bjørnen er skutt Vanilje & Kokos StoutPorter & stout10.00.330 91.80
Norge15460002BådinBådin Saison Pedersen Farmhouse AleSaison farmhouse ale6.00.330 64.50
Norge15400902BådinBådin Tripel Down Belgisk TripelKlosterstil9.00.330 79.90
Sverige15476702Crooked Moon BrewingCrooked Moon Dysphoria NEIPAIndia pale ale6.80.330 83.30
USA15484702Deciduous BrewingDeciduous Rainbow Dreams MangoSurøl6.00.473 134.70
Skottland15472602Donzoko Brewing CompanyDonzoko Big Foam Rustic LagerLys lager5.00.500 109.90
Skottland15473002Donzoko Brewing CompanyDonzoko No Win, No Fee Hazy Pale AlePale ale5.00.500 115.10
Skottland15472702Donzoko Brewing CompanyDonzoko Simcoe Pils SimcoeLys lager5.00.500 109.90
Skottland15472802Donzoko Brewing CompanyDonzoko Superking Helles Smoked LagerLys lager4.80.500 112.10
Skottland15472402Donzoko Brewing CompanyDonzoko WeissHveteøl4.80.500 110.10
Sverige15476802Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Soft Landing GoseSurøl6.00.330 89.10
Norge13504602ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Crimson Nebula Double Fruited SourSurøl7.00.330 72.20
Norge14467502ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Crippling Debt New England IPAIndia pale ale7.00.330 69.80
Norge14845102ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Damnation Imperial Brown AleBrown ale7.00.330 63.40
Norge14242302ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Elevation American Pale AlePale ale6.00.330 51.70
Norge14467402ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Fruity Seduction Triple Fruited SourSurøl7.00.330 78.30
Norge14467602ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ High Tide Double IPAIndia pale ale8.00.330 66.90
Norge12415902ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Red Harvest Fruited SourSurøl5.50.330 68.00
Norge14845002ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Revelation New England DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.330 75.20
Norge14844902ELØ - En Liten ØlELØ Sinful Saint Cherry SourSurøl6.00.330 70.00
Storbritannia15471102Field RecordingsField Recordings Green Tomodachi Matcha IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 82.80
Polen15460902Funky FluidFunky Fluid Gelato Verde Ice Cream SourSurøl5.50.500 83.40
Polen15461102Funky FluidFunky Fluid It's Funky Enough West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.00.500 83.60
Norge15470602Fæby BryggeriFæby Norwegian Arm Vol. 2Pale ale5.60.440 84.70
Norge15470502Fæby BryggeriFæby SlagerLys lager5.30.440 73.90
Spania15458602Garage Beer CoGarage Calvell 45 BCN WeisseSurøl6.50.440 86.20
Spania15458502Garage Beer CoGarage Consell De Cent West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.00.440 92.00
Belgia15399601Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin GueuzérableSurøl10.00.750 289.90
Belgia15398802Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Meerts Au GewurstraminerSurøl5.60.375 89.90
Belgia15399002Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Meerts Au Pinot GrisSurøl5.60.375 89.90
Belgia15398702Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Meerts Au Pinot MeunierSurøl5.60.375 89.90
Belgia15399801Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Oude Roussanne à l'AncienneSurøl8.00.750 274.90
Belgia11956601Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Pinot Gris à l'AncienneSurøl8.00.750 279.90
Norge15489702Hogna BryggHogna Bock to the FutureMørk lager9.00.440 110.20
USA15459502Jackie O'sJackie O's Iron Furnace Barley WineBarley wine12.70.375 329.90
Norge15330102Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri #14India pale ale7.00.330 68.30
Norge15482002Lervig ASLervig Supersonic CryoIndia pale ale8.60.500 101.00
Norge15482102Lervig ASLervig Supersonic Down UnderIndia pale ale8.40.500 101.00
Norge15453002Lervig ASRackhouse TiramisùPorter & stout13.20.375 190.00
Norge13735501Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim Farmer's Reserve Markens GrødeSpesial7.00.750 199.90
Norge11244402Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim Farmer's Reserve SolbærSurøl7.00.375 130.00
England15481602Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Acid Monsters Blood Orange, Orange, Lemon & Star Anise SourSurøl5.00.440 99.30
England15481802Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Acid Monsters Blueberry, Apple, Lemon & Almond SourSurøl5.00.440 99.30
England15481502Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Anomaly Pale AlePale ale5.20.440 89.40
England15481302Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Augustus' Revenge Chocolate Salted Caramel StoutPorter & stout5.60.440 91.60
England15481702Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Squash Court DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 109.70
England15481402Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Wild Monster Prickly Pear Cactus Sour DIPASurøl8.00.440 109.70
Tyskland5408902Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu Der Weisser BockHveteøl7.20.500 89.90
Norge15466702MarloboboMarlobobo Glen Fyne SelectMjød14.00.375 419.90
USA15487202Mikerphone BrewingMikerphone Stunna Double Dry-Hopped Pale AlePale ale6.00.473 126.40
Norge15488201Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Bière de MielSaison farmhouse ale6.70.750 199.90
Norge15052502Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Petrified ForestSpesial10.50.375 169.70
Norge15488102Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew The Hive Honey PorterPorter & stout9.50.440 101.90
Storbritannia15471202North Brewing Co.North x Left Handed Giant West Coast PilsnerLys lager5.80.440 65.90
England15466502Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Faith In Love Glitter Hazy Pale AlePale ale5.40.440 74.90
England15466402Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 35.02 Starburst // Attic Brew Co // Session IPAIndia pale ale5.20.440 94.80
England15466602Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 36.03 Chris (Simpson Artist) // Romantic Couple IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 99.80
Sverige14445602O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing 200 Rye on RyeBarley wine12.80.330 139.00
Sverige12927202O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Anniversary Baltic PorterPorter & stout11.30.330 95.00
Sverige12927602O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Arctos Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.20.330 99.00
Sverige13312402O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Forte Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.00.330 79.90
Sverige14445802O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Gryning Coffee Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout5.00.330 65.00
Sverige15480602OmnipolloOmnipollo Fruit World Famous Mango Marshmallow SourSurøl6.00.330 88.50
Sverige15480302OmnipolloOmnipollo Nebuchadnezzar IIPAIndia pale ale8.50.330 87.40
Sverige15479902OmnipolloOmnipollo Noa Bourbon Barrel Aged Pecan Mud CakePorter & stout14.20.330 215.60
Sverige15479802OmnipolloOmnipollo Zodiak IPAIndia pale ale6.20.330 73.80
USA15428302Outer RangeOuter Range In The Steep IPAIndia pale ale6.70.473 109.30
USA15428202Outer RangeOuter Range Pastels IPAIndia pale ale6.90.473 109.20
Skottland14923902Overtone BrewingOvertone Triumphant IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 89.90
Estland13835702Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Banaanane BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.50.330 99.00
Estland14812502Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cherry Garden Imperial GoseSurøl8.00.330 69.90
Estland14541702Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Orange GoseSurøl5.50.330 55.00
Estland14982902Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Tume LaagerMørk lager5.00.440 59.90
Wales15461002Polly's Brew Co.Polly's No Slip Pale AlePale ale5.60.440 94.00
Wales15460802Polly's Brew Co.Polly's x 8 Wired If You're Into It New Zealand IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 96.20
England15458102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Doris Gets Her OatsPorter & stout11.00.440 129.90
England15458302Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Hubcap Diamond Star Halo DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 109.90
England15458202Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Moersleutel Red Dogs Under Illegal Legs West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.20.440 99.90
Sverige15459601Poppels BryggeriPoppels Celebration Stout Barrel AgedPorter & stout12.50.750 199.90
Ukraina15616402Pravda Craft BreweryPravda Putin HuyloPale ale8.00.330 57.70
Norge15455202RYGR BrygghusRygr Bråtebrann Bøkerøkt LagerSpesial7.20.330 78.00
Norge15488702Raa Brewing CompanyRaa Brewing Spring SourSurøl5.50.375 108.00
Norge15480902Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Back Draft West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 94.90
Norge15481102Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Double Dribble New england Double IPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 109.90
Norge15481002Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Fox in the Box New England IPAIndia pale ale5.80.440 84.90
Norge15481202Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt x White Dog Fender-Bender New England Double IPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 114.90
Hellas14919102Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Citra CrushIndia pale ale6.50.440 99.90
Tsjekkia15422602Sibeeria Z-Media s.r.o.Sibeeria Yummy Pastry Sour AleSurøl5.10.500 106.80
Norge14238502Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Admiral Nelson NEIPAIndia pale ale6.80.330 65.10
Norge14800602Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Deep NEIPAIndia pale ale6.20.330 60.00
Norge15487702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Pullert Cold IPAIndia pale ale7.50.330 66.90
Norge14238602Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Sunrise NEIPAIndia pale ale7.00.330 64.90
Norge15069402Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Wave NZIPAIndia pale ale6.00.330 61.70
Sverige15455302Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Cóndorita Triple Dry-Hopped IPAIndia pale ale6.80.440 99.90
Sverige15455402Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Fake It Til You Kveik It Kveik IPAIndia pale ale6.80.440 99.90
Sverige15589302Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets GBG Beer Week IPA 2016 2023 Anniversary EditionIndia pale ale6.50.440 100.10
Sverige15455802Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Track Suit Bottoms Pastry SourSurøl6.50.440 100.10
Sverige15455502Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Trippelmås TIPAIndia pale ale10.00.440 109.90
Tyskland12861902Staatsbrauerei RothausRothaus HefeweizenHveteøl5.40.500 59.90
Tyskland15475802Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Ain't Got No Cow Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.00.440 131.70
Tyskland15476002Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Feast Till The Cow Comes Home Imperial Sweet StoutPorter & stout10.50.440 131.40
Tyskland15475602Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Hazy Super Stardust DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.440 111.90
Tyskland15475502Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Holy Cow Imperial Milk StoutPorter & stout10.00.440 131.70
Tyskland15475702Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Open Ice Hits! Vol. 2 DDH TIPAIndia pale ale9.30.440 116.20
Tyskland15475902Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Space Doom Vacuum Imperial Fruit SourSurøl8.30.440 116.80
Tyskland15475402Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Welcome Back Freaks DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.30.440 99.70
England15486302Tartarus BeersTartarus Cthulhu West Coast TIPAIndia pale ale12.00.440 156.20
England15485702Tartarus BeersTartarus Griffin Belgian BlondeHveteøl6.00.440 111.00
England15485902Tartarus BeersTartarus Hecate Dark Chocolate and Coconut StoutPorter & stout5.70.440 114.00
England15486202Tartarus BeersTartarus Huay Chivo Mexican Hot Chocolate Imp StoutPorter & stout11.30.440 157.40
England15486402Tartarus BeersTartarus Kobold HefeweizenHveteøl5.50.440 109.90
England15486102Tartarus BeersTartarus Valkryie Kveik Black IPAIndia pale ale6.20.440 122.70
USA15459002The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Broz Broz Night Night DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.473 154.90
USA15458902The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Wounds IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473 139.80
England14328902Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Of Juice DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 129.60
USA15459102Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Fire, Skulls & Money DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473 144.90
USA15475302Tripping Animals Brewing Co.Tripping Animals It's Showtime Fruited SourSurøl6.00.473 119.50
USA15475202Tripping Animals Brewing Co.Tripping Animals Spinosaurus Fruited SourSurøl6.00.473 119.50
Norge15474702Trysil bryggeri ASTrysil Bryggeri Black IPAIndia pale ale6.40.330 61.70
Norge15474802Trysil bryggeri ASTrysil Bryggeri Lys LagerLys lager5.20.330 51.30
Skottland13779402Vault City BrewingVault City Sweet Cherry BakewellSurøl7.50.375 109.90
England15459302Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant It's Pronounced Verdant IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 99.80
England15459402Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Lightning Struck Itself IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 99.80
England15459202Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Puttty TIPAIndia pale ale10.00.440 149.80

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5 Kommentarer on “Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 5. april 2023

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